NicolTIP#028- What is the “Claim” equivalent for AD “All authenticated users” group? less than 1 minute read c:0(.s|true :-)</p> Share on Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Previous Next
Azure Open AI recipes for Azure API Management Service 16 minute read A collection of recipes for Azure API Management for those who need to expose one or more instances of Azure OpenAI.
Azure OpenAI powershell chat-completition call sample 1 minute read a powershell script that shows how to call an Azure OpenAI chat completition endpoint API
How to intercept the “run as administrator” event 3 minute read in this blog post I show how to intercept the run-as-administrator on a windows machine
How to install and run noisy on an Azure VM 4 minute read a PowerShell and shell script that facilitates the installation of Python and Git, subsequently download the repository of Noisy from GitHub and run it with ...