ps_x_TemplateManifestGivenRequestUUID error
40004: OHSBE Error in: SbeMasterController.GetServiceUrisResponse(), Description: SbeMasterController.ProcessGetServiceUrisResponse(): Database error. Proced...
40004: OHSBE Error in: SbeMasterController.GetServiceUrisResponse(), Description: SbeMasterController.ProcessGetServiceUrisResponse(): Database error. Proced...
In production environment never set ThrottleInterval=0 because may cause a condition called thread exhaustion.Follow a list of error you can encourr: Event T...
Do not run more than one SBE Monitor for a set of load-balanced OHSBEs. One of the error you can encounter is the following:<PRE><SubmitOrderComplet...
Master controller can not communicate with Service Catalog (that is on the same machine) when it is balanced with external hardware. This kind of error can h...
The SBE checks that the user in the SumbitOrderRequest header belongs to the role defined in "SBEMasterController.config" file under "OHSBERole" config value...