Service Logic - RuleEngineDeploymentNotDeployedException
in this case “TestProduct3_Policy” is published and not deployed or it is not present at all. Use business rules composer interface to publish and deploy the...
in this case “TestProduct3_Policy” is published and not deployed or it is not present at all. Use business rules composer interface to publish and deploy the...
Event Type: ErrorEvent Source: Microsoft WSE 2.0Event Category: NoneEvent ID: 0Date: 26/01/2006Time: 10.21.49User:&...
40004: OHSBE Error in: SbeMasterController.GetServiceUrisResponse(), Description: SbeMasterController.ProcessGetServiceUrisResponse(): Database error. Proced...
In production environment never set ThrottleInterval=0 because may cause a condition called thread exhaustion.Follow a list of error you can encourr: Event T...
Do not run more than one SBE Monitor for a set of load-balanced OHSBEs. One of the error you can encounter is the following:<PRE><SubmitOrderComplet...