NICOLTIP032 - How can I authorize someone to turn on-off a Virtual Machine on Azure?
This walktrough demonstrates how to create a custom role in azure to allow a specific user or group to Start/Stop a Virtual Machine on Azure.
This walktrough demonstrates how to create a custom role in azure to allow a specific user or group to Start/Stop a Virtual Machine on Azure.
Microsoft Identity Platform: which OAuth2 flow should I use? My non-prescriptive one-page guide in choosing the right auth flow for every situation :-)
For one of my customers I have had the need to collect if and how Azure Key Vault can be used for Transparent Data Encryption. The result is the following ta...
The objective of this memo is to summarize in one single page the main differences between Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2, with a focus on client libraries and s...
a playground to test cross API call authenticated via Azurew B2C