NicolTIP#030- How to disable Direct Access via Powershell
in order to disable Direct Access on Windows 8.1, you can run the following powershell script (as administrator) remove-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Po...
in order to disable Direct Access on Windows 8.1, you can run the following powershell script (as administrator) remove-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Po...
(dir -include *.cs -recurse | select-string "^(\s*)//" -notMatch | select-string "^(\s*)$" -notMatch).Count
Character String ^11 New Line ^13 Carriage Return ...
c:0(.s|true :-)</p>
Use “Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke”. sample: Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(delegate()
Remote Desktop 6.0 leverages a new feature called auto-tuning for the TCP/IP receive window that could be causing the trouble. Window Auto-Tuning could have ...
Just select one machine and reposition it using CTRL + up/down arrows.
…created during service pack 1 (SP1) installation via PowerShell. Run Powershell in elevated mode (run as administrator) and type: Dism.exe /online /cleanup-...
Open your powershell “as administrator” then type: restart-service -Name Spooler -Force
Today without any reason VisualStudio was not able to connect with the WP7 device. When I selected “deploy solution” I received the following error: ------ D...
I developed for fun a couple a WP7 apps and I needed to automate (just a little bit:-) the release process, mainly because: The application version must b...
When I work for a customer, can happen that I use a document as “template” to build a new one (copy –> paste –> rename –> delete some chapter and st...
If you are starting to use powershell, the sheet you can download from the following link is priceless. Print it and keep it on your desk:-)
from command line: VBoxManage.exe clonehd source.vhd destination.vhd easy as 1-2-3 :-)
In Visual Studio 2005: In Visual Studio 2008: (Menu –> Tools –> Options)
Bare in mind that I already have Windows 7 installed. Physical disk that will hold VHD file must be formatted (does not have to be empty, can not be ...
I’m writing here because every time I need to set up a bunch of virtual machines, I have to go back and look up where to find the Sysprep tool and how ...
God Mode is a secret Windows 7 Feature (If you can call so!!), which provides you an extended control panel to control your machine. Here are the Steps to in...
I am quoting information from [] because I tumbled in this issue and fo...
I had a table on SQL 2005 I am accessing it via LINQ. I had to select an item via a “where” condition (see below). var item = (from snap in adc.Snapshots ...
To write a web site and give to the entire site a coherent “look” with ASP.NET and master pages is very easy and productive. In brief, into the master page y...
I love keyboard shortcuts and W7 add some new really cool… Managing Your Windows. Windows 7 simplifies document and program management by allowing you to “do...
If you try to install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools - Visual Studio 2008 Extensions, Version 1.2 on Windows Vista, you will get an error message tell...
Step to extract a content type and columns to CAML (XML) Create you content type and columns in the web UI. Create a list/library item using you new c...
Edit the HOST file in Vista is difficult than ever, thanks to UAC. If you’re a geek that changes HOST file daily this can be a bit frustrating. I circumnavig...
A collection of recipes for Azure API Management for those who need to expose one or more instances of Azure OpenAI.
a powershell script that shows how to call an Azure OpenAI chat completition endpoint API
in this blog post I show how to intercept the run-as-administrator on a windows machine
a PowerShell and shell script that facilitates the installation of Python and Git, subsequently download the repository of Noisy from GitHub and run it with ...
In this post I measure the latency between virtual machines in various network configurations on Azure
Discussion on networking topologies related to Azure batch translation service
In this blog post, I show how to handle some typical virtual machine move operations on Azure.
In this blog article, I’ll show you how to arrange the routing between two Hubs that are peering with each other so that all spokes in both Hubs can communic...
In this walk-through I show how to use a certificate to request an access token to Azure Active Directory, using the OAuth 2.0 client credential flow
How can I integrate my on-premises DNS with Azure?
Azure offers the ability to boost disk storage IOPS and MB/s (throughput) performance. Currently, there are two managed disk types that can burst, premium SS...
notes on how to use App Svc Certificates
a handy hub-and-spoke playground for your experiments, on Azure.
Do you remember that it is not possibile to rename a VM on Azure?
For my Labs, I often need to create and build virtual machines. Many virtual machines :-). One of the most “popular” machine recently is for me the web serve...
This sample demonstrates how to deploy, from GitHub, an Angular single page application (SPA) to Azure App Service running Node.js on Linux. A continuous del...
This walktrough demonstrates how to create a custom role in azure to allow a specific user or group to Start/Stop a Virtual Machine on Azure.
For one of my customers I have had the need to collect if and how Azure Key Vault can be used for Transparent Data Encryption. The result is the following ta...
The objective of this memo is to summarize in one single page the main differences between Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2, with a focus on client libraries and s...
The number of new smart devices to play with grows day after day. The baseline to work with them is essentially always the same set of technologies: federate...
This post is the first of a series with the objective to share the experience on multiplatform development I’ve collected working on Caledos Runner’s: a medi...
If you are looking for a Xamarin Android sample that show how to manage the Pebble Sport app from a Xamarin Project, I have just released on github a sample ...
Useful blog post to bookmark.
Edit the HOST file in Vista is difficult than ever, thanks to UAC. If you’re a geek that changes HOST file daily this can be a bit frustrating. I circumnavig...
If you want (REALLY WANT :-) to change the Outlook file attachments security levels (i.e. to read e .exe file attached to a received email), and you know how...
On Vista, even if is extremely easy to disable hibernation, re-activate or activate it for the first time, is an activity that you can do only via command li...
I receive often emails with big attachment that fill my inbox space very quickly.On the other side, I usually like both to remove these attach and keep the e...
40004: OHSBE Error in: SbeMasterController.GetServiceUrisResponse(), Description: SbeMasterController.ProcessGetServiceUrisResponse(): Database error. Proced...
Do not run more than one SBE Monitor for a set of load-balanced OHSBEs. One of the error you can encounter is the following:<PRE><SubmitOrderComplet...
Master controller can not communicate with Service Catalog (that is on the same machine) when it is balanced with external hardware. This kind of error can h...
The SBE checks that the user in the SumbitOrderRequest header belongs to the role defined in "SBEMasterController.config" file under "OHSBERole" config value...
a powershell script that shows how to call an Azure OpenAI chat completition endpoint API
a PowerShell and shell script that facilitates the installation of Python and Git, subsequently download the repository of Noisy from GitHub and run it with ...
The following powershell script toggles the Internet Explorer proxy status between the following values: Automatically detect settings Explicit Proxy S...
in order to disable Direct Access on Windows 8.1, you can run the following powershell script (as administrator) remove-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Po...
(dir -include *.cs -recurse | select-string "^(\s*)//" -notMatch | select-string "^(\s*)$" -notMatch).Count
Even if http:\\ is great when you’re not on your pc, I usually prefer to have locally all Russinovich Tools. The problem is that you hav...
…created during service pack 1 (SP1) installation via PowerShell. Run Powershell in elevated mode (run as administrator) and type: Dism.exe /online /cleanup-...
Open your powershell “as administrator” then type: restart-service -Name Spooler -Force
Super easy script from The Pursuite of Life Blog, that I ‘m copying here in order to keep it in my toolbox (get-childitem -recurse -force | where-object { $_...
I developed for fun a couple a WP7 apps and I needed to automate (just a little bit:-) the release process, mainly because: The application version must b...
If you are starting to use powershell, the sheet you can download from the following link is priceless. Print it and keep it on your desk:-)
When you define a CSF session, InChannelResponse partecipant’s parameter allows to define how CSF session server communicate with the selected endpoint. In p...
In this post I'm showing how to enable WSE policy and body message encryption for CSF using one of the standard CSF examples: the Counting Scenario. P...
If you don't include a "Persona Partecipant" in your session manifest, credentials aren't propagated from one VAS to another one. Have a loook to the counti...
in this case “TestProduct3_Policy” is published and not deployed or it is not present at all. Use business rules composer interface to publish and deploy the...
Event Type: ErrorEvent Source: Microsoft WSE 2.0Event Category: NoneEvent ID: 0Date: 26/01/2006Time: 10.21.49User:&...
40004: OHSBE Error in: SbeMasterController.GetServiceUrisResponse(), Description: SbeMasterController.ProcessGetServiceUrisResponse(): Database error. Proced...
In production environment never set ThrottleInterval=0 because may cause a condition called thread exhaustion.Follow a list of error you can encourr: Event T...
Do not run more than one SBE Monitor for a set of load-balanced OHSBEs. One of the error you can encounter is the following:<PRE><SubmitOrderComplet...
Master controller can not communicate with Service Catalog (that is on the same machine) when it is balanced with external hardware. This kind of error can h...
The SBE checks that the user in the SumbitOrderRequest header belongs to the role defined in "SBEMasterController.config" file under "OHSBERole" config value...
A collection of recipes for Azure API Management for those who need to expose one or more instances of Azure OpenAI.
a PowerShell and shell script that facilitates the installation of Python and Git, subsequently download the repository of Noisy from GitHub and run it with ...
In this post I measure the latency between virtual machines in various network configurations on Azure
Discussion on networking topologies related to Azure batch translation service
In this blog post, I show how to handle some typical virtual machine move operations on Azure.
In this blog article, I’ll show you how to arrange the routing between two Hubs that are peering with each other so that all spokes in both Hubs can communic...
How can I integrate my on-premises DNS with Azure?
in order to disable Direct Access on Windows 8.1, you can run the following powershell script (as administrator) remove-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Po...
The number of new smart devices to play with grows day after day. The baseline to work with them is essentially always the same set of technologies: federate...
I developed for fun a couple a WP7 apps and I needed to automate (just a little bit:-) the release process, mainly because: The application version must b...
I had a table on SQL 2005 I am accessing it via LINQ. I had to select an item via a “where” condition (see below). var item = (from snap in adc.Snapshots ...
Well, this is a typical issue when you have a thread that works (i.e. a Workflow) and a UI that needs to be updated. Let assume that you have a WinFom and yo...
On this month's issue of MSDN Magazine, Stephen Toub describe the class DdMonitor. DdMonitor implements almost all interfaces exposed by .NET System.Thr...
The first step is to create a pair of key(pulic/private): RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();string publicKey = RSA.ToXmlString(fa...
(dir -include *.cs -recurse | select-string "^(\s*)//" -notMatch | select-string "^(\s*)$" -notMatch).Count
Today without any reason VisualStudio was not able to connect with the WP7 device. When I selected “deploy solution” I received the following error: ------ D...
I developed for fun a couple a WP7 apps and I needed to automate (just a little bit:-) the release process, mainly because: The application version must b...
In Visual Studio 2005: In Visual Studio 2008: (Menu –> Tools –> Options)
If you try to install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools - Visual Studio 2008 Extensions, Version 1.2 on Windows Vista, you will get an error message tell...
…created during service pack 1 (SP1) installation via PowerShell. Run Powershell in elevated mode (run as administrator) and type: Dism.exe /online /cleanup-...
Starting from version 10.0 XBMC can use hardware acceleration to render video (DXVA 2 support for H.264, VC-1, and WMV9) on Windows 7 too(http://mirrors.xmis...
Bare in mind that I already have Windows 7 installed. Physical disk that will hold VHD file must be formatted (does not have to be empty, can not be ...
I’m writing here because every time I need to set up a bunch of virtual machines, I have to go back and look up where to find the Sysprep tool and how ...
God Mode is a secret Windows 7 Feature (If you can call so!!), which provides you an extended control panel to control your machine. Here are the Steps to in...
I love keyboard shortcuts and W7 add some new really cool… Managing Your Windows. Windows 7 simplifies document and program management by allowing you to “do...
The objective of this memo is to summarize in one single page the main differences between Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2, with a focus on client libraries and s...
When you have to develop a native UI for Android with Visual Studio, in few minutes you realize that Visual Studio, on this task is light years away from And...
Yesterday I have had the need to align TopCrop an image inside an Android ImageView. Unfortunally Android ImageView doesn’t allow this crop style, so I have ...
This post is the first of a series with the objective to share the experience on multiplatform development I’ve collected working on Caledos Runner’s: a medi...
in this sample I use the library found in xamarin-bluetooth-le to read heart rate and battery level from a Polar H7. I have used this sample to test the inte...
If you are looking for a Xamarin Android sample that show how to manage the Pebble Sport app from a Xamarin Project, I have just released on github a sample ...
a playground to test cross API call authenticated via Azurew B2C
When you have to develop a native UI for Android with Visual Studio, in few minutes you realize that Visual Studio, on this task is light years away from And...
Yesterday I have had the need to align TopCrop an image inside an Android ImageView. Unfortunally Android ImageView doesn’t allow this crop style, so I have ...
This post is the first of a series with the objective to share the experience on multiplatform development I’ve collected working on Caledos Runner’s: a medi...
in this sample I use the library found in xamarin-bluetooth-le to read heart rate and battery level from a Polar H7. I have used this sample to test the inte...
If you are looking for a Xamarin Android sample that show how to manage the Pebble Sport app from a Xamarin Project, I have just released on github a sample ...
I found the following (and very) interesting post where is well described how to provide your windows presentation fundation client application with a contex...
You can easily integrate resources in your Windows Presentation Foundation application by using the WPF designer for Visual Studio and "pack:" URI ...
As you discovered from my previous post, today I'm working on WPF, Again on codeproject, I found this series of articles that can be a good start point to un...
Today I used this useful article found a couple of articles that describe first steps on WPF ListView Customization. Check it out if you have time. Custom Li...
User interfaces are a fundamentally important part of most applications. Making those interfaces as effective has possible can have measurable benefits to th...
This post is the first of a series with the objective to share the experience on multiplatform development I’ve collected working on Caledos Runner’s: a medi...
If you are looking for a Xamarin Android sample that show how to manage the Pebble Sport app from a Xamarin Project, I have just released on github a sample ...
To write a web site and give to the entire site a coherent “look” with ASP.NET and master pages is very easy and productive. In brief, into the master page y...
I found the following (and very) interesting post where is well described how to provide your windows presentation fundation client application with a contex...
Edit the HOST file in Vista is difficult than ever, thanks to UAC. If you’re a geek that changes HOST file daily this can be a bit frustrating. I circumnavig...
Step 1: Install this update to enable remote management of a Windows Server 2008 computer running the Hyper-V RC0 role Step 2: If the server is either a memb...
On Vista, even if is extremely easy to disable hibernation, re-activate or activate it for the first time, is an activity that you can do only via command li...
as described below you can use vsp1cln.exe to remove SP1 uninstallation information and recover up to 1Gb of disk space... Windows Vista SP1 File Removal ...
UPDATE: I think that information below are not correct because in days after this post, I continued to have this problem in other scenarios too. At the ...
In this walk-through I show how to use a certificate to request an access token to Azure Active Directory, using the OAuth 2.0 client credential flow
Microsoft Identity Platform: which OAuth2 flow should I use? My non-prescriptive one-page guide in choosing the right auth flow for every situation :-)
a playground to test cross API call authenticated via Azurew B2C
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a software component developed by Microsoft that can be installed on Windows Server operating systems to provi...
The number of new smart devices to play with grows day after day. The baseline to work with them is essentially always the same set of technologies: federate...
I receive often emails with big attachment that fill my inbox space very quickly. On the other side, I usually like both to remove these attach and keep ...
I am quoting information from [] because I tumbled in this issue and fo...
If you want (REALLY WANT :-) to change the Outlook file attachments security levels (i.e. to read e .exe file attached to a received email), and you know how...
I receive often emails with big attachment that fill my inbox space very quickly.On the other side, I usually like both to remove these attach and keep the e...
Remote Desktop 6.0 leverages a new feature called auto-tuning for the TCP/IP receive window that could be causing the trouble. Window Auto-Tuning could have ...
…created during service pack 1 (SP1) installation via PowerShell. Run Powershell in elevated mode (run as administrator) and type: Dism.exe /online /cleanup-...
Bare in mind that I already have Windows 7 installed. Physical disk that will hold VHD file must be formatted (does not have to be empty, can not be ...
I’m writing here because every time I need to set up a bunch of virtual machines, I have to go back and look up where to find the Sysprep tool and how ...
in order to disable Direct Access on Windows 8.1, you can run the following powershell script (as administrator) remove-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Po...
Useful blog post to bookmark.
Super easy script from The Pursuite of Life Blog, that I ‘m copying here in order to keep it in my toolbox (get-childitem -recurse -force | where-object { $_...
I developed for fun a couple a WP7 apps and I needed to automate (just a little bit:-) the release process, mainly because: The application version must b...
a PowerShell and shell script that facilitates the installation of Python and Git, subsequently download the repository of Noisy from GitHub and run it with ...
In this post I measure the latency between virtual machines in various network configurations on Azure
In this blog article, I’ll show you how to arrange the routing between two Hubs that are peering with each other so that all spokes in both Hubs can communic...
How can I integrate my on-premises DNS with Azure?
In this post I show how to build a scheduled query rule in Azure Sentinel that recognize an ssh login attempt on a Linux machine.
This sample demonstrates how to deploy, from GitHub, an Angular single page application (SPA) to Azure App Service running Node.js on Linux. A continuous del...
For an interop test with a customer of mine, I needed to install an UBUNTU on my Virtual Server. In order to achieve this reult, I found 2 main issues t...
Use “Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke”. sample: Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(delegate()
Well, this is a typical issue when you have a thread that works (i.e. a Workflow) and a UI that needs to be updated. Let assume that you have a WinFom and yo...
On this month's issue of MSDN Magazine, Stephen Toub describe the class DdMonitor. DdMonitor implements almost all interfaces exposed by .NET System.Thr...
In this walk-through I show how to use a certificate to request an access token to Azure Active Directory, using the OAuth 2.0 client credential flow
Microsoft Identity Platform: which OAuth2 flow should I use? My non-prescriptive one-page guide in choosing the right auth flow for every situation :-)
I am quoting information from [] because I tumbled in this issue and fo...
This sample demonstrates how to deploy, from GitHub, an Angular single page application (SPA) to Azure App Service running Node.js on Linux. A continuous del...
The number of new smart devices to play with grows day after day. The baseline to work with them is essentially always the same set of technologies: federate...
Microsoft Identity Platform: which OAuth2 flow should I use? My non-prescriptive one-page guide in choosing the right auth flow for every situation :-)
The objective of this memo is to summarize in one single page the main differences between Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2, with a focus on client libraries and s...
a playground to test cross API call authenticated via Azurew B2C
Do you remember that it is not possibile to rename a VM on Azure?
For my Labs, I often need to create and build virtual machines. Many virtual machines :-). One of the most “popular” machine recently is for me the web serve...
This walktrough demonstrates how to create a custom role in azure to allow a specific user or group to Start/Stop a Virtual Machine on Azure.
notes on how to use App Svc Certificates
Do you remember that it is not possibile to rename a VM on Azure?
This walktrough demonstrates how to create a custom role in azure to allow a specific user or group to Start/Stop a Virtual Machine on Azure.
Well, this is a typical issue when you have a thread that works (i.e. a Workflow) and a UI that needs to be updated. Let assume that you have a WinFom and yo...
User interfaces are a fundamentally important part of most applications. Making those interfaces as effective has possible can have measurable benefits to th...
Today without any reason VisualStudio was not able to connect with the WP7 device. When I selected “deploy solution” I received the following error: ------ D...
On Vista, even if is extremely easy to disable hibernation, re-activate or activate it for the first time, is an activity that you can do only via command li...
UPDATE: I think that information below are not correct because in days after this post, I continued to have this problem in other scenarios too. At the ...
Step 1: Install this update to enable remote management of a Windows Server 2008 computer running the Hyper-V RC0 role Step 2: If the server is either a memb...
Hyper-V, the fantastic Windows Server 2008 new feature have a small limit I discovered when on my "home/handmade server:-)" I tried to use it. It d...
If you try to install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools - Visual Studio 2008 Extensions, Version 1.2 on Windows Vista, you will get an error message tell...
Step to extract a content type and columns to CAML (XML) Create you content type and columns in the web UI. Create a list/library item using you new c...
In Visual Studio 2005: In Visual Studio 2008: (Menu –> Tools –> Options)
I love keyboard shortcuts and W7 add some new really cool… Managing Your Windows. Windows 7 simplifies document and program management by allowing you to “do...
In Visual Studio 2005: In Visual Studio 2008: (Menu –> Tools –> Options)
I love keyboard shortcuts and W7 add some new really cool… Managing Your Windows. Windows 7 simplifies document and program management by allowing you to “do...
I receive often emails with big attachment that fill my inbox space very quickly. On the other side, I usually like both to remove these attach and keep ...
I am quoting information from [] because I tumbled in this issue and fo...
In Visual Studio 2005: In Visual Studio 2008: (Menu –> Tools –> Options)
I am quoting information from [] because I tumbled in this issue and fo...
Remote Desktop 6.0 leverages a new feature called auto-tuning for the TCP/IP receive window that could be causing the trouble. Window Auto-Tuning could have ...
I’m writing here because every time I need to set up a bunch of virtual machines, I have to go back and look up where to find the Sysprep tool and how ...
from command line: VBoxManage.exe clonehd source.vhd destination.vhd easy as 1-2-3 :-)
Bare in mind that I already have Windows 7 installed. Physical disk that will hold VHD file must be formatted (does not have to be empty, can not be ...
Just select one machine and reposition it using CTRL + up/down arrows.
from command line: VBoxManage.exe clonehd source.vhd destination.vhd easy as 1-2-3 :-)
Character String ^11 New Line ^13 Carriage Return ...
When I work for a customer, can happen that I use a document as “template” to build a new one (copy –> paste –> rename –> delete some chapter and st...
Today without any reason VisualStudio was not able to connect with the WP7 device. When I selected “deploy solution” I received the following error: ------ D...
I developed for fun a couple a WP7 apps and I needed to automate (just a little bit:-) the release process, mainly because: The application version must b...
Remote Desktop 6.0 leverages a new feature called auto-tuning for the TCP/IP receive window that could be causing the trouble. Window Auto-Tuning could have ...
…created during service pack 1 (SP1) installation via PowerShell. Run Powershell in elevated mode (run as administrator) and type: Dism.exe /online /cleanup-...
My article on MSDN Magazine is out! “App development is by definition an iterative process, so you’ll want to understand, in the shortest possible tim...
Use “Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke”. sample: Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(delegate()
The following powershell script toggles the Internet Explorer proxy status between the following values: Automatically detect settings Explicit Proxy S...
in order to disable Direct Access on Windows 8.1, you can run the following powershell script (as administrator) remove-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Po...
The following powershell script toggles the Internet Explorer proxy status between the following values: Automatically detect settings Explicit Proxy S...
in order to disable Direct Access on Windows 8.1, you can run the following powershell script (as administrator) remove-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Po...
in this sample I use the library found in xamarin-bluetooth-le to read heart rate and battery level from a Polar H7. I have used this sample to test the inte...
If you are looking for a Xamarin Android sample that show how to manage the Pebble Sport app from a Xamarin Project, I have just released on github a sample ...
a handy hub-and-spoke playground for your experiments, on Azure.
When you have to develop a native UI for Android with Visual Studio, in few minutes you realize that Visual Studio, on this task is light years away from And...
Yesterday I have had the need to align TopCrop an image inside an Android ImageView. Unfortunally Android ImageView doesn’t allow this crop style, so I have ...
Microsoft Identity Platform: which OAuth2 flow should I use? My non-prescriptive one-page guide in choosing the right auth flow for every situation :-)
a playground to test cross API call authenticated via Azurew B2C
a PowerShell and shell script that facilitates the installation of Python and Git, subsequently download the repository of Noisy from GitHub and run it with ...
This sample demonstrates how to deploy, from GitHub, an Angular single page application (SPA) to Azure App Service running Node.js on Linux. A continuous del...
notes on how to use App Svc Certificates
Do you remember that it is not possibile to rename a VM on Azure?
In this post I measure the latency between virtual machines in various network configurations on Azure
In this blog article, I’ll show you how to arrange the routing between two Hubs that are peering with each other so that all spokes in both Hubs can communic...
In this post I measure the latency between virtual machines in various network configurations on Azure
In this blog article, I’ll show you how to arrange the routing between two Hubs that are peering with each other so that all spokes in both Hubs can communic...
in this blog post I show how to intercept the run-as-administrator on a windows machine
a PowerShell and shell script that facilitates the installation of Python and Git, subsequently download the repository of Noisy from GitHub and run it with ...
A collection of recipes for Azure API Management for those who need to expose one or more instances of Azure OpenAI.
a powershell script that shows how to call an Azure OpenAI chat completition endpoint API
This is the very first post of my brand new blog.
This is the very first post of my brand new blog.
For an interop test with a customer of mine, I needed to install an UBUNTU on my Virtual Server. In order to achieve this reult, I found 2 main issues t...
For an interop test with a customer of mine, I needed to install an UBUNTU on my Virtual Server. In order to achieve this reult, I found 2 main issues t...
The first step is to create a pair of key(pulic/private): RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();string publicKey = RSA.ToXmlString(fa...
On this month's issue of MSDN Magazine, Stephen Toub describe the class DdMonitor. DdMonitor implements almost all interfaces exposed by .NET System.Thr...
When you write a .NET application, to manage configuration settings is often required. These configuration settings can have a "user" or "appl...
When you write a .NET application, to manage configuration settings is often required. These configuration settings can have a "user" or "appl...
UPDATE: I think that information below are not correct because in days after this post, I continued to have this problem in other scenarios too. At the ...
UPDATE: I think that information below are not correct because in days after this post, I continued to have this problem in other scenarios too. At the ...
On Vista, even if is extremely easy to disable hibernation, re-activate or activate it for the first time, is an activity that you can do only via command li...
Today I used this useful article found a couple of articles that describe first steps on WPF ListView Customization. Check it out if you have time. Custom Li...
Hyper-V, the fantastic Windows Server 2008 new feature have a small limit I discovered when on my "home/handmade server:-)" I tried to use it. It d...
I just developed a PoC where I demonstrated to my customer how is feasible to integrate and manipulate a Win32 application (Remedy Client in my case) into a ...
I just developed a PoC where I demonstrated to my customer how is feasible to integrate and manipulate a Win32 application (Remedy Client in my case) into a ...
I found the following (and very) interesting post where is well described how to provide your windows presentation fundation client application with a contex...
Check it out.
Check it out.
Yesterday evening I had the opportunity to read in detail the document that describe Google Chrome features. Interesting is that if I read "O.S." e...
Edit the HOST file in Vista is difficult than ever, thanks to UAC. If you’re a geek that changes HOST file daily this can be a bit frustrating. I circumnavig...
Edit the HOST file in Vista is difficult than ever, thanks to UAC. If you’re a geek that changes HOST file daily this can be a bit frustrating. I circumnavig...
Step to extract a content type and columns to CAML (XML) Create you content type and columns in the web UI. Create a list/library item using you new c...
Step to extract a content type and columns to CAML (XML) Create you content type and columns in the web UI. Create a list/library item using you new c...
If you try to install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools - Visual Studio 2008 Extensions, Version 1.2 on Windows Vista, you will get an error message tell...
To write a web site and give to the entire site a coherent “look” with ASP.NET and master pages is very easy and productive. In brief, into the master page y...
To write a web site and give to the entire site a coherent “look” with ASP.NET and master pages is very easy and productive. In brief, into the master page y...
I had a table on SQL 2005 I am accessing it via LINQ. I had to select an item via a “where” condition (see below). var item = (from snap in adc.Snapshots ...
I am quoting information from [] because I tumbled in this issue and fo...
I receive often emails with big attachment that fill my inbox space very quickly. On the other side, I usually like both to remove these attach and keep ...
I receive often emails with big attachment that fill my inbox space very quickly. On the other side, I usually like both to remove these attach and keep ...
I’m writing here because every time I need to set up a bunch of virtual machines, I have to go back and look up where to find the Sysprep tool and how ...
I’m writing here because every time I need to set up a bunch of virtual machines, I have to go back and look up where to find the Sysprep tool and how ...
I’m writing here because every time I need to set up a bunch of virtual machines, I have to go back and look up where to find the Sysprep tool and how ...
Bare in mind that I already have Windows 7 installed. Physical disk that will hold VHD file must be formatted (does not have to be empty, can not be ...
Bare in mind that I already have Windows 7 installed. Physical disk that will hold VHD file must be formatted (does not have to be empty, can not be ...
Bare in mind that I already have Windows 7 installed. Physical disk that will hold VHD file must be formatted (does not have to be empty, can not be ...
If you are starting to use powershell, the sheet you can download from the following link is priceless. Print it and keep it on your desk:-)
When I work for a customer, can happen that I use a document as “template” to build a new one (copy –> paste –> rename –> delete some chapter and st...
When I work for a customer, can happen that I use a document as “template” to build a new one (copy –> paste –> rename –> delete some chapter and st...
When I work for a customer, can happen that I use a document as “template” to build a new one (copy –> paste –> rename –> delete some chapter and st...
I developed for fun a couple a WP7 apps and I needed to automate (just a little bit:-) the release process, mainly because: The application version must b...
I developed for fun a couple a WP7 apps and I needed to automate (just a little bit:-) the release process, mainly because: The application version must b...
I developed for fun a couple a WP7 apps and I needed to automate (just a little bit:-) the release process, mainly because: The application version must b...
I developed for fun a couple a WP7 apps and I needed to automate (just a little bit:-) the release process, mainly because: The application version must b...
Starting from version 10.0 XBMC can use hardware acceleration to render video (DXVA 2 support for H.264, VC-1, and WMV9) on Windows 7 too(http://mirrors.xmis...
Starting from version 10.0 XBMC can use hardware acceleration to render video (DXVA 2 support for H.264, VC-1, and WMV9) on Windows 7 too(http://mirrors.xmis...
Starting from version 10.0 XBMC can use hardware acceleration to render video (DXVA 2 support for H.264, VC-1, and WMV9) on Windows 7 too(http://mirrors.xmis...
Starting from version 10.0 XBMC can use hardware acceleration to render video (DXVA 2 support for H.264, VC-1, and WMV9) on Windows 7 too(http://mirrors.xmis...
Starting from version 10.0 XBMC can use hardware acceleration to render video (DXVA 2 support for H.264, VC-1, and WMV9) on Windows 7 too(http://mirrors.xmis...
Starting from version 10.0 XBMC can use hardware acceleration to render video (DXVA 2 support for H.264, VC-1, and WMV9) on Windows 7 too(http://mirrors.xmis...
Super easy script from The Pursuite of Life Blog, that I ‘m copying here in order to keep it in my toolbox (get-childitem -recurse -force | where-object { $_...
Super easy script from The Pursuite of Life Blog, that I ‘m copying here in order to keep it in my toolbox (get-childitem -recurse -force | where-object { $_...
Open your powershell “as administrator” then type: restart-service -Name Spooler -Force
Open your powershell “as administrator” then type: restart-service -Name Spooler -Force
Open your powershell “as administrator” then type: restart-service -Name Spooler -Force
if you need to wok on this, I think that the following post is a must to have read:
if you need to wok on this, I think that the following post is a must to have read:
if you need to wok on this, I think that the following post is a must to have read:
if you need to wok on this, I think that the following post is a must to have read:
…created during service pack 1 (SP1) installation via PowerShell. Run Powershell in elevated mode (run as administrator) and type: Dism.exe /online /cleanup-...
…created during service pack 1 (SP1) installation via PowerShell. Run Powershell in elevated mode (run as administrator) and type: Dism.exe /online /cleanup-...
…created during service pack 1 (SP1) installation via PowerShell. Run Powershell in elevated mode (run as administrator) and type: Dism.exe /online /cleanup-...
SharePoint ULS Log Viewer is a windows application for viewing SharePoint ULS log files more easily. Supports filtering and easy viewing of data. Available o...
SharePoint ULS Log Viewer is a windows application for viewing SharePoint ULS log files more easily. Supports filtering and easy viewing of data. Available o...
SharePoint ULS Log Viewer is a windows application for viewing SharePoint ULS log files more easily. Supports filtering and easy viewing of data. Available o...
Useful blog post to bookmark.
Useful blog post to bookmark.
Even if http:\\ is great when you’re not on your pc, I usually prefer to have locally all Russinovich Tools. The problem is that you hav...
Even if http:\\ is great when you’re not on your pc, I usually prefer to have locally all Russinovich Tools. The problem is that you hav...
Remote Desktop 6.0 leverages a new feature called auto-tuning for the TCP/IP receive window that could be causing the trouble. Window Auto-Tuning could have ...
Remote Desktop 6.0 leverages a new feature called auto-tuning for the TCP/IP receive window that could be causing the trouble. Window Auto-Tuning could have ...
Remote Desktop 6.0 leverages a new feature called auto-tuning for the TCP/IP receive window that could be causing the trouble. Window Auto-Tuning could have ...
The following powershell script toggles the Internet Explorer proxy status between the following values: Automatically detect settings Explicit Proxy S...
The following powershell script toggles the Internet Explorer proxy status between the following values: Automatically detect settings Explicit Proxy S...
The following powershell script toggles the Internet Explorer proxy status between the following values: Automatically detect settings Explicit Proxy S...
My article on MSDN Magazine is out! “App development is by definition an iterative process, so you’ll want to understand, in the shortest possible tim...
My article on MSDN Magazine is out! “App development is by definition an iterative process, so you’ll want to understand, in the shortest possible tim...
My article on MSDN Magazine is out! “App development is by definition an iterative process, so you’ll want to understand, in the shortest possible tim...
My article on MSDN Magazine is out! “App development is by definition an iterative process, so you’ll want to understand, in the shortest possible tim...
My article on MSDN Magazine is out! “App development is by definition an iterative process, so you’ll want to understand, in the shortest possible tim...
My article on MSDN Magazine is out! “App development is by definition an iterative process, so you’ll want to understand, in the shortest possible tim...
If you are looking for a Xamarin Android sample that show how to manage the Pebble Sport app from a Xamarin Project, I have just released on github a sample ...
If you are looking for a Xamarin Android sample that show how to manage the Pebble Sport app from a Xamarin Project, I have just released on github a sample ...
If you are looking for a Xamarin Android sample that show how to manage the Pebble Sport app from a Xamarin Project, I have just released on github a sample ...
in this sample I use the library found in xamarin-bluetooth-le to read heart rate and battery level from a Polar H7. I have used this sample to test the inte...
in this sample I use the library found in xamarin-bluetooth-le to read heart rate and battery level from a Polar H7. I have used this sample to test the inte...
This post is the first of a series with the objective to share the experience on multiplatform development I’ve collected working on Caledos Runner’s: a medi...
This post is the first of a series with the objective to share the experience on multiplatform development I’ve collected working on Caledos Runner’s: a medi...
This post is the first of a series with the objective to share the experience on multiplatform development I’ve collected working on Caledos Runner’s: a medi...
This post is the first of a series with the objective to share the experience on multiplatform development I’ve collected working on Caledos Runner’s: a medi...
This post is the first of a series with the objective to share the experience on multiplatform development I’ve collected working on Caledos Runner’s: a medi...
This post is the first of a series with the objective to share the experience on multiplatform development I’ve collected working on Caledos Runner’s: a medi...
This post is the first of a series with the objective to share the experience on multiplatform development I’ve collected working on Caledos Runner’s: a medi...
This post is the first of a series with the objective to share the experience on multiplatform development I’ve collected working on Caledos Runner’s: a medi...
The number of new smart devices to play with grows day after day. The baseline to work with them is essentially always the same set of technologies: federate...
The number of new smart devices to play with grows day after day. The baseline to work with them is essentially always the same set of technologies: federate...
The number of new smart devices to play with grows day after day. The baseline to work with them is essentially always the same set of technologies: federate...
The number of new smart devices to play with grows day after day. The baseline to work with them is essentially always the same set of technologies: federate...
The number of new smart devices to play with grows day after day. The baseline to work with them is essentially always the same set of technologies: federate...
The number of new smart devices to play with grows day after day. The baseline to work with them is essentially always the same set of technologies: federate...
The number of new smart devices to play with grows day after day. The baseline to work with them is essentially always the same set of technologies: federate...
The number of new smart devices to play with grows day after day. The baseline to work with them is essentially always the same set of technologies: federate...
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a software component developed by Microsoft that can be installed on Windows Server operating systems to provi...
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a software component developed by Microsoft that can be installed on Windows Server operating systems to provi...
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a software component developed by Microsoft that can be installed on Windows Server operating systems to provi...
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a software component developed by Microsoft that can be installed on Windows Server operating systems to provi...
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a software component developed by Microsoft that can be installed on Windows Server operating systems to provi...
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a software component developed by Microsoft that can be installed on Windows Server operating systems to provi...
Yesterday I have had the need to align TopCrop an image inside an Android ImageView. Unfortunally Android ImageView doesn’t allow this crop style, so I have ...
When you have to develop a native UI for Android with Visual Studio, in few minutes you realize that Visual Studio, on this task is light years away from And...
When you have to develop a native UI for Android with Visual Studio, in few minutes you realize that Visual Studio, on this task is light years away from And...
a playground to test cross API call authenticated via Azurew B2C
a playground to test cross API call authenticated via Azurew B2C
a playground to test cross API call authenticated via Azurew B2C
The objective of this memo is to summarize in one single page the main differences between Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2, with a focus on client libraries and s...
The objective of this memo is to summarize in one single page the main differences between Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2, with a focus on client libraries and s...
The objective of this memo is to summarize in one single page the main differences between Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2, with a focus on client libraries and s...
The objective of this memo is to summarize in one single page the main differences between Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2, with a focus on client libraries and s...
The objective of this memo is to summarize in one single page the main differences between Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2, with a focus on client libraries and s...
For one of my customers I have had the need to collect if and how Azure Key Vault can be used for Transparent Data Encryption. The result is the following ta...
For one of my customers I have had the need to collect if and how Azure Key Vault can be used for Transparent Data Encryption. The result is the following ta...
For one of my customers I have had the need to collect if and how Azure Key Vault can be used for Transparent Data Encryption. The result is the following ta...
For one of my customers I have had the need to collect if and how Azure Key Vault can be used for Transparent Data Encryption. The result is the following ta...
For one of my customers I have had the need to collect if and how Azure Key Vault can be used for Transparent Data Encryption. The result is the following ta...
For one of my customers I have had the need to collect if and how Azure Key Vault can be used for Transparent Data Encryption. The result is the following ta...
For one of my customers I have had the need to collect if and how Azure Key Vault can be used for Transparent Data Encryption. The result is the following ta...
For one of my customers I have had the need to collect if and how Azure Key Vault can be used for Transparent Data Encryption. The result is the following ta...
For one of my customers I have had the need to collect if and how Azure Key Vault can be used for Transparent Data Encryption. The result is the following ta...
For one of my customers I have had the need to collect if and how Azure Key Vault can be used for Transparent Data Encryption. The result is the following ta...
Microsoft Identity Platform: which OAuth2 flow should I use? My non-prescriptive one-page guide in choosing the right auth flow for every situation :-)
Microsoft Identity Platform: which OAuth2 flow should I use? My non-prescriptive one-page guide in choosing the right auth flow for every situation :-)
This walktrough demonstrates how to create a custom role in azure to allow a specific user or group to Start/Stop a Virtual Machine on Azure.
This walktrough demonstrates how to create a custom role in azure to allow a specific user or group to Start/Stop a Virtual Machine on Azure.
This walktrough demonstrates how to create a custom role in azure to allow a specific user or group to Start/Stop a Virtual Machine on Azure.
This sample demonstrates how to deploy, from GitHub, an Angular single page application (SPA) to Azure App Service running Node.js on Linux. A continuous del...
This sample demonstrates how to deploy, from GitHub, an Angular single page application (SPA) to Azure App Service running Node.js on Linux. A continuous del...
This sample demonstrates how to deploy, from GitHub, an Angular single page application (SPA) to Azure App Service running Node.js on Linux. A continuous del...
This sample demonstrates how to deploy, from GitHub, an Angular single page application (SPA) to Azure App Service running Node.js on Linux. A continuous del...
This sample demonstrates how to deploy, from GitHub, an Angular single page application (SPA) to Azure App Service running Node.js on Linux. A continuous del...
This sample demonstrates how to deploy, from GitHub, an Angular single page application (SPA) to Azure App Service running Node.js on Linux. A continuous del...
This sample demonstrates how to deploy, from GitHub, an Angular single page application (SPA) to Azure App Service running Node.js on Linux. A continuous del...
In this post I show how to build a scheduled query rule in Azure Sentinel that recognize an ssh login attempt on a Linux machine.
In this post I show how to build a scheduled query rule in Azure Sentinel that recognize an ssh login attempt on a Linux machine.
In this post I show how to build a scheduled query rule in Azure Sentinel that recognize an ssh login attempt on a Linux machine.
For my Labs, I often need to create and build virtual machines. Many virtual machines :-). One of the most “popular” machine recently is for me the web serve...
For my Labs, I often need to create and build virtual machines. Many virtual machines :-). One of the most “popular” machine recently is for me the web serve...
For my Labs, I often need to create and build virtual machines. Many virtual machines :-). One of the most “popular” machine recently is for me the web serve...
a handy hub-and-spoke playground for your experiments, on Azure.
a handy hub-and-spoke playground for your experiments, on Azure.
a handy hub-and-spoke playground for your experiments, on Azure.
a handy hub-and-spoke playground for your experiments, on Azure.
notes on how to use App Svc Certificates
notes on how to use App Svc Certificates
notes on how to use App Svc Certificates
notes on how to use App Svc Certificates
Azure offers the ability to boost disk storage IOPS and MB/s (throughput) performance. Currently, there are two managed disk types that can burst, premium SS...
Azure offers the ability to boost disk storage IOPS and MB/s (throughput) performance. Currently, there are two managed disk types that can burst, premium SS...
How can I integrate my on-premises DNS with Azure?
How can I integrate my on-premises DNS with Azure?
How can I integrate my on-premises DNS with Azure?
How can I integrate my on-premises DNS with Azure?
In this walk-through I show how to use a certificate to request an access token to Azure Active Directory, using the OAuth 2.0 client credential flow
In this walk-through I show how to use a certificate to request an access token to Azure Active Directory, using the OAuth 2.0 client credential flow
In this walk-through I show how to use a certificate to request an access token to Azure Active Directory, using the OAuth 2.0 client credential flow
In this blog article, I’ll show you how to arrange the routing between two Hubs that are peering with each other so that all spokes in both Hubs can communic...
In this blog article, I’ll show you how to arrange the routing between two Hubs that are peering with each other so that all spokes in both Hubs can communic...
In this blog post, I show how to handle some typical virtual machine move operations on Azure.
In this blog post, I show how to handle some typical virtual machine move operations on Azure.
In this blog post, I show how to handle some typical virtual machine move operations on Azure.
Discussion on networking topologies related to Azure batch translation service
Discussion on networking topologies related to Azure batch translation service
Discussion on networking topologies related to Azure batch translation service
Discussion on networking topologies related to Azure batch translation service
In this post I measure the latency between virtual machines in various network configurations on Azure
In this post I measure the latency between virtual machines in various network configurations on Azure
In this post I measure the latency between virtual machines in various network configurations on Azure
In this post I measure the latency between virtual machines in various network configurations on Azure
a PowerShell and shell script that facilitates the installation of Python and Git, subsequently download the repository of Noisy from GitHub and run it with ...
a PowerShell and shell script that facilitates the installation of Python and Git, subsequently download the repository of Noisy from GitHub and run it with ...
a PowerShell and shell script that facilitates the installation of Python and Git, subsequently download the repository of Noisy from GitHub and run it with ...
a PowerShell and shell script that facilitates the installation of Python and Git, subsequently download the repository of Noisy from GitHub and run it with ...
a PowerShell and shell script that facilitates the installation of Python and Git, subsequently download the repository of Noisy from GitHub and run it with ...
in this blog post I show how to intercept the run-as-administrator on a windows machine
in this blog post I show how to intercept the run-as-administrator on a windows machine
in this blog post I show how to intercept the run-as-administrator on a windows machine
in this blog post I show how to intercept the run-as-administrator on a windows machine
A collection of recipes for Azure API Management for those who need to expose one or more instances of Azure OpenAI.